Ring in the New Year With Your Values!

 In Values - Top 10

If you’ve been following my series on my top-ten core values, let’s take a moment to wrap the year up with a bow! Recap what we’ve learned. And help carry your learning into the New Year!

You might remember I wrote about my personal tradition of setting goals at the beginning of each year. It started during college with a good friend and a glass of wine.

We didn’t simply list our goals and actions — we also talked about WHO we wanted to be. We asked ourselves: What are our core values? How will we live them each day with consistency? And how well are these values reflected in our larger goals?

It’s Your Turn!

As you approach the New Year, let your values lead the way — whether similar to mine or not. Here’s what I’d like you do:

Choose a comfortable setting where you can reflect without interruption. Get ready to write! It’s fine to use a computer or paper and pen (and maybe jazz it up with some color).
Write down each goal you’re interested in pursuing. Jot down several action steps for each goal.

  1. Envision WHO you want to be, day to day — how you want to show up. Jot down two or three of the core values you’d like to focus upon.
  2. If you’re not sure about your core values, think about what traits or characteristics you’d like to embody. Or what beliefs or mantras. Write everything that resonates. Then look over your list. Circle one, two or three items to become the core values you’ll focus upon for the year.
  3. Now do an honest inventory. In what ways are you already expressing your chosen values? Where are the opportunities to express them more?

Once that’s done, you’re ready to go on to goals and action steps. I think of this part as the more traditional way of setting new year’s resolutions.

  1. Write down each goal you’re interested in pursuing.
  2. Jot down several action steps for each goal.

For your final step, revisit your values:

  1. For each goal and set of steps, do a “values review.” How well do they reflect the values you previously specified?
  2. Based on your review, make any changes or deletions so your final list aligns with your core values.

That’s it! Get ready to celebrate the new year as your ever-growing, ever-evolving best self. I’ll “see” you next year with a new theme, “I Wish I’d Known …  !”

Happy New Year!

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Carla inspires leaders and team members — and provides real-world tips to become the best version of themselves that they can be. Contact her today.

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