Downloadable Resources
Top Ten “Things I Wish I’d Known”
Carla shares the top ten things she wish she’d known when she first started out as a manager, leader and business owner. Use her free worksheets below to help you reflect — and be the best leader you can be!

“Top Ten” Values Worksheets
Explore each of Carla’s top-ten values for yourself with her free worksheets: Find which values resonate with you, and explore how could you express them more, day to day.

Body Language for Leaders
Leadership is about your social influence. When people trust you, they are willing to embrace your vision, engage with you, and work towards a common goal.
Fine-tune your body language as a communication tool for building trust and engagement.

Onboarding to Stay Aboard: Retain Your Employees
How do some small businesses successfully retain their employees, even at low pay rates? Half the battle is to be prepared and use retention strategies.
The documents below help you do that. They were designed for centers in Early Childhood Care and Education, but the concepts and lists can be adapted to any industry.

Becoming the Best You
Carla offers a workshop called “Becoming the Best You – Starting Today.” (Contact her for details.)
The Participant Workbook (below) walks you through (1) creating a vision, (2) uncovering internal blocks, (3) setting goals and action steps, and (4) keeping up your momentum.

Guest Articles and Media
Want Your Best Life? Be Your Best “You”
Want Your Best Life? Be Your Best “You”
Let’s chat about your life. How’s it going? Are you happy with how you’re living? Often, we have dreams, ideas or aspirations, but we don’t quite “launch.” Let’s see how you can really move yourself forward.
How to Say “No”
How to Say “No”
Are you someone who says YES too often? Afraid to say NO? Find out why it’s important for women in the workplace to learn to say no. And, get some great concrete tips on how to say No effectively